
Body Pulse Music

Hay un lugar de tu SER que te conecta con el ritmo vital de tu cuerpo y con la Tierra: EL PULSO DE TU CORAZÓN. Un espacio auténtico donde puedes sentir que eres RITMO, donde tus células pueden recuperar esta memoria ancestral de crear música de manera orgánica, libre y natural...

YO SOY BEL Amante de la Vida, del Pulso, del Ritmo, el lenguaje del cuerpo y la voz y su expresión.

¡Cantante de corazón, aprendíz de vocación!


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Body Pulse Music

There is a place in your BEING that connects you with the vital rhythm of your body and with the Earth: THE PULSE OF YOUR HEART. An authentic space where you can feel that you are RHYTHM, where your cells can recover this ancestral memory of creating music in an organic, free and natural way…

Creative Singing Circle

I offer you a space for self-care and listening to delve into the truth of our heart, of the present moment, accepting who we are to let it out, freeing ourselves from the judgment that prevents us from connecting with this simplicity of letting flow what wants to be expressed.


MUSIQUITAS is a fun space where we can connect with our little ones in a safe space of trust, where we can enter and leave the musical circle freely. The objective of these sessions is to create a bond with our little ones through the musical exploration of the body and voice.

Songs to the Earth

Songs to the earth are an ancestral practice that connects us with nature and helps us honor and thank Mother Earth for her generosity and wisdom. This experience is aimed at all people who seek to reconnect with her spirituality and find a sense of belonging and harmony with nature. No prior experience or special musical skills are required, just a willingness to let yourself be carried away by the music and energy of the group.

Team Building

Improve the quality of the relationship between people who work in the company to have greater performance that has a positive impact on productivity.

Focus on a common objective, enhancing the creative gifts of each person who makes up the team towards the same goal.

Contribute to the personal and professional development of each member of the company.

Taller Expresion corporal

Body Pulse Music

Círculo Creativo de Canto

Yo soy Bel

Lover of Life, of the Pulse, of Rhythm, the language of the body and the voice and its expression. Singer at heart, apprentice by vocation!

Want to know more?

Derechos reservados BELUNIVERSO  2023

× ¡Hola!